2019, Number 29
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (29)
The rubric as a learning strategy in research methodology in undergraduate medicine
Gómez LVM, Rosales GS, Robles CA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 30-35
PDF size: 427.76 Kb.
Introduction: The rubrics, as formative assessment tools,
are an excellent strategy to get students to achieve the
learning objectives designed by the teacher, since it allows
to identify the quality standards of the tasks or learning
activities, which favors self-reflection About the achievement
of meaningful learning.
Objective: To compare the learning of students who use a
rubric to do academic work as the approach of a problem
in medical research, unlike students who do not use it.
Method: A quasi-experimental, cross-sectional, comparative
and prolective study was designed in which 87
students of the research methodology course of the medical
degree of a private school in the south of Tamaulipas
were included.
Two groups were integrated: Group A (n: 43) composed
of the students of the teacher who used the rubric as a
guide for learning and group B (n: 44) whose students
corresponded to the teacher who taught the course in
a traditional way. Student
t was used for independent
groups, considering a value of
P≤ a 0.05 as statistically
significant, using the SPSS version 22 package.
Results: The mean score in group A was 68.6 vs 59.6
in group B, representing a mean difference of 8.9 and a
p value of .033.
Conclusion: The use of the rubric, in the teaching-learning
process, promotes greater learning in the subject of
research methodology.
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