2019, Number 29
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Inv Ed Med 2019; 8 (29)
Medical students’ scientific societies importance in Latin America
Aveiro-Róbalo TR, Escobar-Salinas JS, Ayala-Servín JN, Rotela-Fisch V
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 23-29
PDF size: 476.74 Kb.
Introduction: Medical students’ scientific societies are
organizations that promote activities focused on research
and other areas such as medical education and comprehensive
health care.
Objective: To determinate the medical students’ scientific
societies importance in Latin America.
Method: Observational and descriptive cross-sectional
design with non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive
cases between january and july 2017. A self-administered
survey was applied, the sample was 430 subjects aged
16 to 34 from 14 Latin American countries, considered for
an infinite population size an expected proportion of 50%,
an accuracy of 5 and a 95% confidence level.
Results: Of 430 medical students from Latin America,
254 (59.9%) were women and 176 (40.1%) were men. 426
(99.1%) students consider training in research important,
421 of them (97.9%) consider scientific publication important
as students. Of the university training received,
290 (67.4%) students consider that they do not receive
sufficient training on research and publications. As for
the tools provided by the scientific societies, 320 (74.4%)
consider that it receives the necessary tools for a sufficient
scientific formation. 173 (40.2%) students stated that they
belong to a scientific society and 88 (20.5%) of them have
published an article in scientific journals. 139 (32.3%)
were initiated in the research with their scientific society
and 89 (20.7%) with a research group and researcher.
Conclusions: The role of medical students’ scientific
societies in Latin America as an engine for growth and
promotion of scientific research is undeniable. Greater
support and encouragement from universities is needed
to accompany and ensure the quality of that growth.
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