2016, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2016; 7 (2)
Experiencies and perceptions on body image in Chilean males
Aylwin J, Díaz-Castrillón F, Cruzat-Mandich C, García A, Behar R, Arancibia M
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 125-134
PDF size: 366.69 Kb.
Body image (BI) is a core feature for identity development; nevertheless amongst
male population there is scarce empirical evidence. The aim of this study was to describe
the experiences and meanings associated to the construction of BI in male, based on a
methodological-qualitative approach. Participated 16 young men aged 15 to 25 years. Data
were collected by semi-structured interviews and two focus groups, both analised by open
codification. Meanings and procedures related to BI were classified in the following categories:
physical appearance care, beauty ideal, self-concept and BI. Participants perceived differences
in their physical appearance care compared with women, homosexuals and men of previous
generations. In BI construction it is highlighted the drive for being attractive to the opposite
sex by the increase of the muscle development. However body dissatisfaction do not represent
a relevant topic for participants, since they display a pragmatic value of their BI, which may
be an index of a new relationship with their own masculinity and BI that must be explored.
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