2020, Number 2
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Rev CONAMED 2020; 25 (2)
Interventions in the administration of high-risk drugs
Romero GDL, Almiray SAL, Ensaldo CE
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 95-97
PDF size: 79.69 Kb.
Introduction: Medication error represent a patient safety priority. Since 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared medication safety as the third global challenge. A key area for the prevention of medication errors are good practices for administering high-risk medications. To achieve this, is crucial that nursing professionals are involved as they represent a valuable human resource for the health system and ensuring patient safety. In this context, high-risk medications possess a high risk to cause severe harm o even death. Therefore, this article presents a list of recommendations for the safe administration of high-risk medications.
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