2020, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2020; 58 (1)
Nutritional strategies in the management of patients with diabetes mellitus
Pérez-Cruz E, Calderón-Du Pont DE, Cardoso-Martínez C, Dina-Arredondo VI, Gutiérrez-Déciga M, Mendoza-Fuentes CE, Obregón-Ríos DM, Ramírez-Sandoval AS, Rojas-Pavón B, Rosas-Hernández LR, Volantín-Juárez FE
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 50-60
PDF size: 208.73 Kb.
Diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent disease in the
world and in Mexico. Due to its chronic evolution it
causes multiple sequelae, disability and mortality. An
adequate control of diabetic patients based on reaching
glycemic targets, maintenance of healthy weight, as well
as lipid and blood pressure control is essential to reduce
the risk of progression of its complications. Lifestyle
changes are also key for preventing and treating the
disease. Knowledge of the relationship and mechanism
involved between diabetes and alterations in nutrient
metabolism should be considered to provide an
adequate nutritional program. This article aims to bring
healthcare professionals the concepts and strategies,
proposed by several scientific societies, about nutritional
management of adult patients with diabetes mellitus.
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