2018, Number 3
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Investigación en Discapacidad 2018; 7 (3)
Effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation associated to acetaminophen in the reduction of postmastectomy pain related to neoplasm in female patients at ISSSTE
Ángeles MM, Larios PBL, Martínez GMI
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 91-99
PDF size: 954.78 Kb.
Introduction: Breast cancer has become a public health issue in Mexico, as therapeutic inter-ventions usually trigger pain. The analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula-tion (TENS) is known, however its action in postmastectomy pain has not been studied.
Objective: To prove the effectiveness of TENS in reducing postmastectomy pain related to neo-plasm.
Method: Single-blind randomized clinical trial with two groups of study. Conventional TENS was applied to one group while the other group received placebo TENS, during 10 sessions. Before and after the application period an assessment sheet was applied to meas-ure intensity and type of pain through a visual analog scale (VAS) and the Douleur Neuropa-tique 4 Questions (DN4).
Results: 16 women (mean age, 60 ±10.55 yrs) with postmastectomy pain were included. Intensity of pain in the initial assessment had a mean of 6.75 ±2.55 in the experimental group and the control group had 4.5 ±2.33, whereas in the final assessment, the experimental group had a mean of 1.25 ±1.28 and the control group had 3.5 ±2.59.
Conclusions: This study suggests TENS is an effective additional therapy to treat postmastectomy pain as it may reduce it as much as 79.6%.
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