2019, Number 1
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2019; 39 (1)
Knowledge about “International Safety Patient Goals” in personnel that works in a pediatric hospital
Martínez MN, Mendieta RA, Rinza PTO, Solalindez AJA, Velázquez GAM, Solórzano SF, Vázquez RJG, Sámano AMG
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 12-18
PDF size: 558.84 Kb.
Introduction. For an excellent provision of health services in pediatrics area, a good level of knowledge of “International
Safety Patient Goals” (ISPG) is required to guarantee effective care and high human quality.
Objective. To know and establish the degree of knowledge about the ispg in personnel that works in a pediatric hospital.
methodology. Prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study, which was carried out from February 1 to July 22,
2016 applying a survey to personnel of hospitalization areas, including all shifts. An instrument was designed with
sociodemographic variables and 12 reagents to assess the degree of knowledge of health personnel.
Results. 409 people were interviewed and two were eliminated, leaving 407 surveys. There was a higher prevalence of
females, in single marital status, with a predominant age range of 20 to 30 years. In general, 76% of the personnel of the
Pediatric Hospital know the name of the ISPG, however only 51.3% know the concept or how the ispg are carried out. Nº 1
“correct patient identification”, and Nº 5 “risk reduction of medical care associated infections”, were the ispg better known
both by name and by concept. Nursing and Resident staff were those with a higher knowledge about ispg.
Conclusions. Although most staff have information on the ISPG, only half know the concept and how they apply. Staff
training is required.
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