2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Diagnosis of the physical activity level in hypertensive elderly people at
Suarez LGJ, Palacios LPC, Posligua FJA, Guadalupe VME, Espinoza CFA, Ventura SIW
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 118.82 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic noncommunicable diseases emphatically hypertension,
currently contribute to leading causes of death worldwide, associated with the age
factor. Therefore, previous diagnoses of influencing variables such as the physical
activity level can define the design of future actions to enhance the life quality.
Objective: To diagnose the physical activity level in elderly people with hypertension
at the León Becerra Hospital Club.
Methods: the research is descriptive and analytical. We study 30 older adults
between 60-80 years old, who come to Hospital Club "León Becerra" of the Milagro
City(Ecuador), applying a preliminary survey approved by health experts.
Results: The analysis showed that 30% of older adult's state that they take short
walks in the morning, while 70% state that they perform bailotherapy. 60% perform
specialized physical activity twice a week, and 40% between 2-4 times per week,
while the most used complementary activities were recreational activities (33.33%),
learning activities (30%), entrepreneurial activities (26.67%) and no complementary
activities (10%).
Conclusions: The previous diagnosis determined an acceptable level of physical
activity in the studied hypertensive population. The aforementioned aspects will be
used for the subsequent design of specific work actions to enhance the future quality
of life of elderly people with high blood pressure.
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