2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2018; 37 (4)
Biomechanical differences and effectiveness of basketball free throw in optimal state and fatigue
Morales TBH, Pérez RME, Pillajo PMA, Bonilla LAR, Romero FE, Morán PL
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 178.24 Kb.
Introduction: The free throw effectiveness in basketball is influenced by diverse
factors, among them correct execution of sport technique and the integral
development of physical capacities as it is the case of coordination, the strength and
Objective: biomechanically analyze the arm angles in initial and final phase as free
throw part in basketball, as well as the final effectiveness of technical movement,
both in optimal state and fatigue state.
Methods: The basketball players population of team "Comité del Pueblo N ° 1"
(8 male subjects) is studied, specifically the free throw effectiveness and the arms
initial and final angle in the ball throwing, both in state optimal as in fatigue state. In
the analysis of Mader test applied (300m of interval race) to decrease the resistance
indices of the subject studied (fatigue state), and a effectiveness test of a single
release before and after implementing the Mader test.
Results: There were significant differences in throwing initial angle in the ball in free
throws (p = 0.050), and not significant in final angle (p = 0.195) when comparing the
angles in the optimal state and fatigue state. On the other hand, the effectiveness
was significantly negative (p = 0.038) when comparing the data for two independent
Conclusions: a negatively significant variation in free throw effectiveness in the
fatigue state is demonstrated, affecting in ball throwing in the initial phase, inferring
to implement need a specialized training in the basketball team, efficiently stabilizing
the movements biomechanics that include the phases studied in the ball throwing as
part of the basketball free throw.
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