2006, Number 3
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Rev Odont Mex 2006; 10 (3)
Temporomandibular disorders,its relation with psychological profile in students from Puebla
Espinosa De SI, Reyes GM, Vaillard JE, Vargas GH, Reyes GY
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 115-118
PDF size: 179.18 Kb.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) make up a group of painful conditions that affect temporomandibular articulation and masticatory muscles. Its relationship with alterations in occlusion and physical aspects has been questioned putting aside the patient’s emotional aspect and its relevance in complete management of said illness, fact which has been documented since 1955.
Main: To determine the association in psychological profile with SCL90 instrument and symptoms and signs in temporomandibular joint in students of Puebla.
Method: In a descriptive, analytic and cross sectional study, a sample of 500 individuals of the city of Puebla, between 12 and 24 years of age was studied. Each one of them was evaluated clinically to asses the temporomandubular joint and the psychological profile of each one of them through the Spearman test. The presence of signs was graded dicotomically and the psychological profile was graded with the SCL90 survey in ordinal scale.
Results: The values found in SCL90 according with presence of signs and symptoms of TMD was higher in all subscales in the group of patients with positive signs and symptoms, with statistical differences for the majority of subscales; were somatization profile outstands. There was also a significative relation between psychological profile and TMD presence in the majority of subscales.
Conclusions: There is a correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders and the psychological profile, for which it should be evaluated as part of the protocol of diagnosis and treatment.
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