2020, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2020; 22 (2)
Mistreate of couple in immigrant women residents in a Urban Health Center of Murcia, Spain
Leal HM, Leal CL, Leal CT, Pérez VM, García RR, Velasco SÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 73-81
PDF size: 320.52 Kb.
Objectives: To analyze the prevalence of psychological maltreatment in the women attending the consultation of their family doctor in a Health Center through the PMWI-SF test. To study if there are differences in said psychological abuse according to the origin of the women studied. Descriptive and cross-sectional study through the application of a survey for the assessment of psychological abuse in the couple. The study was carried out in an Urban Health Center of our Autonomous Community. 147 Latin American immigrant women, 109 North African women, 109 from Eastern countries and a control group of 221 Spanish women were analyzed.
Methods: The PMWI-SF Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory was specifically applied to evaluate the couple's psychological abuse.
Results: The mean score of the questionnaire (range 14-70 points) was 44.53 points in the group of North African women (p ‹0.05 with respect to those of the Eastern and Spanish countries, ns with respect to Latin American women) 41. 56 points in the Latin American countries (p ‹0.05 in relation to the countries of the East and Spain) 35.18 points in the Eastern countries (p ‹0.05 in relation to North African and (P ‹0.05 with respect to North African and Latin American, ns with
respect to the eastern ones).
Conclusions: Immigrant women living in Spain and coming from North African and Latin American countries suffer more psychological abuse than those from eastern countries, which present levels similar to those in Spain.
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