2018, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (2)
Food practices of indigenous women according to the nutritional status and sex of their children
Balderrama-Díaz R, Guzmán-Saldaña R, Romero-Palencia A, Galván M
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 183-195
PDF size: 166.00 Kb.
The purpose of this research was to describe the eating practices (EP) of indigenous women in Hidalgo (Mexico),
based on their children’s sex and nutritional status (NS). A total of 19 mother-child dyads participated (
Mage mother
= 33.5 years,
SD = 7.1,
Mage children = 6.0 years,
SD = 0.4). The mothers were interviewed and, to estimate the NS of
their children, they were weighed and measured. The information was analyzed by categories based on the factors
of the Questionnaire of Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices of the Parents towards the Feeding of their Children. Although
mothers with healthy children (height normal and normal weight) and those of children with poor nutrition
showed common EP, they also presented some differences. These were mainly related to the perception of the
weight of their children, which was not consistent with the real NS, characterized by underestimation. In both sexes
(son/daughter) there was a high presence of almost all categories of analysis, but mostly among mothers with
girls. This study represents a first approach to the knowledge of the maternal EP of indigenous women according
to the NS and sex of their children, whose results support the need to continue deepening the study of this type
of population.
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