2018, Number 1
Occupational health with a gender perspective
de Jesús-González L
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 54-57
PDF size: 157.91 Kb.
Social factors, such as education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnic origin, have a clear influence on a person’s health. In all countries, whether low, medium or high income, there are great differences in the state of health among different social groups. This essay is approached through the gender perspective for the analysis of how labor epidemiology behaves in the feminine sector; the objective is to present in a succinct and objective way the information referring to the main extra-domestic female occupations and the differences regarding the situation of men. It was found that in Mexico there is a salary difference where women face a disadvantage. In relation to work accidents in Mexican women, the main diagnoses were superficial trauma, dislocations, sprains and tears, followed by injuries and fractures, among others; according to their occupations, they were mainly sweepers, cleaning workers, sales employees, dispatchers and cooks, among others.REFERENCES
Gómez-Ayala AE. Mobbing y salud. Farmacia Profesional [Internet]. 2009. [Citado 24 de diciembre de 2015]; 23 (1): 28-33. Disponible en: http://apps.elsevier.es/watermark/ctl_servlet?_f=10&pident_articulo=13132071&pident_usuario=0&pcontactid=&pident_revista=3&ty=126&accion=L&origen=zonadelectura&web=www.elsevier.es&lan=es&fichero=3v23n01a13132071pdf001.pdf