2005, Number 1-2
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Plasticidad y Restauración Neurológica 2005; 4 (1-2)
Prediction of neurological sequel to the year of age in premature children evaluated with the evolutionary exam of the behavior
Zanabria SM, Aguilar RF, Méndez RI
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 13-20
PDF size: 121.16 Kb.
The variations in the muscular tone in premature child of high risk were observed during the evaluation of the evolution development by Arnold Gesell with the purpose of establishment the impact in the quotients of development and to establish the possibility of early detection of neurological sequels of perinatal origin between the instrument being considered the correction or not of age. Sixty eight premature patients with diagnoses to the birth of perinatal neurological damage were studied longitudinally, evaluated of 0 to 3 months with the instrument of A. Gesell, using 2 criteria of qualification: Gesell Weeks and Gesell Hyper-Hypotonic Days. The objective was to determine the criterion with better prediction of neurological sequel to the year of age considering the correction or not of age by the premature child. The relative risks were calculated, making the cut to 60% of the qualifications in the development. The data showed that the Gesell criterion Hyper-Hypotonic Days without correction of age detected the risk to sequel with a RR of 3.5 p ‹ 0.001, in addition, this criterion obtained the highest points of sensitivity (0.57), specificity (0.92) and in predictive values positive and negative (0.84 and 0.75 respectively). These work demonstrated that considering the presence of the Hypertone-Hipotone signs, improves the detection of the risk to sequel in the evaluation of the development (Gesell). Nevertheless, it shows inefficiency in the prediction of cases that presented/displayed sequel, because there was great number of negatives false reported. Therefore, which studied requires establishing new indicators and instruments of evaluation that allow improving the predictive capacity of the neurological sequels
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