2016, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (4)
Influential psychosocial factors in violent child behavior
Mendoza NCA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1412-1425
PDF size: 453.89 Kb.
Transversal research was performed in a Federal elementary school at
Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua in which the scales of child aggressiveness
(Hernandez - Guzman, 2003), self-concept (La Rosa, 1986), and the
questionnaire of parenting styles were applied (Lopez 2000) to 102 mothers in grades five and six of the school, in order to correlate the
psychosocial factors (socioeconomic status, parenting styles, selfconcept
of the mother) that influence aggressive behavior of their
children. The results are: mothers feel more depressed and melancholy
when their children reject, and when mothers punished their child, and
has more affection towards them see themselves as honest people; a
greater acceptance of the mother to the child, receive lesser punishment;
to greater acceptance, the lower the affection between mother and child.
Specific characteristics of mothers with higher education were found.
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