2016, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2016; 19 (4)
Adaptation of the rubicon model to the educational context: the integration of motivation and volition
Gordillo LF, Arana MJM, Mestas HL, Pérez NMÁ, López PRM
Language: Spanish
References: 80
Page: 1245-1265
PDF size: 573.74 Kb.
In the field of education, the motivation has been considered a
determinant factor in the performance of the students. In recent
years has been seeking the integration of cognitive and
motivational components using models, such as the Rubicon,
which include creation, initiation and deactivation of the
intention. This review integrates the phases of this model in the
field of education. We identified three important phases in the
motivational process of student. The first involve the
predecisional and
preactional phases, related to the decisionmaking.
The second coincides with the
actional phase, where
volitional strategies play an important role in the persistence of
action motivated, and the
postactional phase, relates to the
attribution of causality assumed by the student before the
successes and failures. These phases would be determining
the motivation of the student within the cultural, social and
personal context.
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