2016, Number S1
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Rev Cub de Med Fis y Rehab 2016; 8 (S1)
Answer to the reeducation of the pelvic muscles in patient in climacteric age with vaginal prolapsed
Abreu PY, Martínez TJC, Rodríguez AEM, Alerm GA, García DJÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 76-87
PDF size: 149.77 Kb.
Introduction: the vaginal prolapsed represents an important problem in
gynecology with prevalence in women between 50 to 70 years to 40 % and each
two women bigger than 50 years one of them will have some type of genital
prolapsed. The physiotherapy is considered the initial boarding and preference in
the treatment because the low risk of secondary effects.
Method: study explanatory quasi-experimental with the objective to evaluate the
effectiveness of rehabilitative treatment in the musculature of the pelvic floor in
women climacterics that suffer of vaginal prolapsed.
Results: of the assisted 28 % presented some type of prolapsed independently of
the age. The 88 % of them presented degree I and II type, correspondents to
rehabilitation to strengthen the perinea musculature and to avoid a surgery. The 12% corresponded with women with prolapsed degree III and IV, with surgical approach, the previous muscular strengthening prevents a later relapse to the surgery. According to test muscular 68% presented to the beginning a muscular
note between 0 and 2,22% has association of rectocele more cistocele, 73%
improved presenting evolutionary muscular note of 3 or more, statistically
significant, 62% of the patients needed 30 sessions average to improve its
muscular condition.
Conclusions: all the women of the investigation improved the perinea musculature
what confirms that you can use the treatment with physical agents and muscular
reeducation to improve the tone, trofism and perineal force muscular.
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