2012, Number S1
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Rev Mex Invest Psic 2012; 4 (S1)
Influence of alteration of the sleep-wake cycles on food habits in obese patients
Leija-Alva G, Aguilera SV, Lara PE, Rodríguez CJD, Tinajero MAE, Trejo MJI, López-de la Rosa MR, Reséndiz RMC
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 71-79
PDF size: 154.36 Kb.
There is evidence that the alteration of sleep wake cycles are
closely linked with an imbalance in metabolism and result in
an increased body fat (Escobar, Martinez-Merlos & Mendoza,
2001). The aim of this study was to identify whether an alteration
in the quantity and quality of sleep are associated with
weight gain and with habits, thoughts, and emotions related
to food intake. The sample consisted of 45 individuals with
obesity. Physical measurements were taken to these individuals,
and they completed a sleep diary and a questionnaire
of food binge. It was found that 60% of the individuals had a
sense of “refreshing sleep” as reported in the sleep diary. The
average total hours of sleep were 7. The results showed a
negative correlation between sleep and food intake as well
as with affective mood. These results suggest a relationship
between less sleep and increased food intake and negative
mood, which can lead to a low motivation to change eating
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