2014, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2014; 17 (1)
Subjective well in life cycle in a rural ecosystem
Legorreta AN, González ALFNI, Valdez MJL, González ES, Van Berneveld HO
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 132-149
PDF size: 568.43 Kb.
Subjective Well-Being as a construct research of Positive
Psychology, is defined by Diener (1994) based on two
components: cognitive (measured by satisfaction with life)
and other affective (that includes both positive and negative
emotions). Under this approach, a comparative cross- type
with 620 participants (310 men and 310 women) between 10
and 89 years old in a rural southern state of Mexico took
place. The objective was to compare the subjective wellbeing
in different age, sex and socioeconomic status.
Satisfaction Scale was applied with Diener's Life (SWLS,
1994), the Questionnaire of Subjective Well-being of Victoria
(2004) and socioeconomic status for the socioeconomic
index of the Mexican Association of Market Research
Agencies was used and Public Opinion (AMAI Rule 10*6,
2008). Statistically significant differences by gender and age
in the areas of personal satisfaction, family/friends,
work/school, usual positive affect, recent positive affect,
negative affect, negative affect usual recent find. By
socioeconomic statistically significant differences according
to the age at life satisfaction, general area, family
satisfaction, staff, equipment, and recent positive affect
common positive affects, in which case was group 1 (10 to
find 15) more than others. Suggested investigate other
psychological aspects such as personality, self-esteem,
depression and its relationship with subjective well-being in
rural samples.
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