2016, Number 2
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Rev Acta Médica 2016; 17 (2)
Continuing education in clinical Nutrition
Barreto PJ, Núñez VM
Language: Spanish
References: 39
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An update on continuing education in clinical nutrition is made, based on the elements
learned in a diploma course on higher medical education in topics related to university
and society, medical didactics, syllabus design, qualitative research and teachingeducational
process. It is imperative to address the teaching and learning of clinical
nutrition on the basis of the scientific method. The teaching of clinical nutrition in
undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with special emphasis on the latter, is
recognized as a problem in different regions (European Union, North America and Latin
America), in which the right of hospitalized patients to receive high quality nutritional
care by highly competitive teams is established, as well as the commitments of the
administrative managers to facilitate the training, and self-development of health care
teams in clinical nutrition topics.
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