2015, Number 3
The attention to patient with orthodontics urgencies. Cabaiguán 2011
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: During the orthodontics treatment the patients can present urgencies that require of attention in the stomatology services. Objective: To describe the attention of urgencies to patient with orthodontics treatment. Methodology: A traverse study was carried out. The population belonged to 127 patients with orthodontics urgencies in the Municipal Esthomatological Clinic of Cabaiguán from July 2011 to 2012. The variables were studied age, sex, types of apparatuses, damaged components and implied buccal tissues. Results: The attendance prevailed to patient with orthodontic urgencies, of the feminine sex with 62,2 % and of the group from nine to ten years of age (26,7 %). the patients Prevailed with removable apparatuses of 71,7 %; the retainers were the components of the removable apparatuses with more frequent damages in 59,9% and the fallen brackets of the fixed apparatuses for 36,9 %. The buccal tissues with more implication were the lips and the tongue in 27,9 % and 20,5 % in that order. Conclusions: The attention of orthodontics urgencies was carried out mostly in patient with removable aparathology and damages in the soft tissues.REFERENCES
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