2015, Number 4
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Salud Mental 2015; 38 (4)
Evaluación de la percepción de pacientes sobre el comportamiento de comunicación del personal de enfermería: diseño y validación en población mexicana
Müggenburg C, Robles R, Valencia A, Hernández GMC, Olvera S, Riveros RA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 273-280
PDF size: 300.98 Kb.
Background Nurse-patient communication has been established as a key component
of professional healthcare. The present study examined the patients’
perception of the verbal and non-verbal communication skills of
nurses. Although the Caring Assessment Tool (CAT) stands among the
instruments available to evaluate these communication skills, cultural
and schooling characteristics limit its direct applicability to the Mexican
Objective The aim of this study was to design and validate an instrument on the
patient-recorded Nurse Communication Behavior (CECOP, for its acronym
in Spanish) based on the Mexican patient’s experience.
Method Based on exploratory interviews with 29 patients, a first draft of the
CECOP was designed. The instrument was validated by independent
expert judges and after the elimination of two items it was used with
150 patients. The validity was assessed by a factor analysis extraction
through Principal Component Analysis and Varimax Rotation. Convergence
validity was established between the CAT and the CECOP and
between the CECOP and numeric scales that evaluate empathy and
patient satisfaction.
Results Construct Validity reduced the CECOP to 10 items in two factors
(empathy and respect) with statistically significant KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin) and Bartlett’s Test (p≤.001). The explained variation was
54.58%. The correlation between the CECOP score (10 items) and
the CAT was .459. Between the CECOP and the empathy scale and
between the CECOP and the satisfaction scale the correlations were
.419 and .495, respectively. All correlations were statistically significant
(p≤ .001).
Discussion and conclusion
The CECOP can be used to evaluate professional care in its human
dimension from the patient’s perspective and to suggest improvements
in the nurses communication.
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