2014, Number 4
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Enf Infec Microbiol 2014; 34 (4)
Risk behaviors and level of knowledge about human papillomavirus in Northeastern University, Argentina
Medina ML, Medina MG, Merino LA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 140-144
PDF size: 144.91 Kb.
Introduction. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease, college students still vulnerable to this
disease population.
Objective. To describe key risk behaviors and level of knowledge about HPV among university students. Materials and methods.
Faculty of Dentistry students of Northeastern University were selected during 2010. After informed consent, anonymous
questionnaire on sexual risk behavior and knowledge of HPV was used. The data were processed by statistical program.
Results. They were 61 students including; 47 (77%) women and 14 (23%) men. Mean age (22 years). It was observed that
36 (59%) had sex early. In 41 (67%) reported having had two or more sexual partners. It was observed that 26 (43%) never
or rarely used condoms. Of the total 33 (54%) reported oral sex; 25 (41%) did not consume oral contraceptives. Alcohol
consumption was observed in 31 (51%). Knowledge about HPV in the basic academic level was insufficient to 67% good
and clinical academic level was 61% of very good to excellent. The greatest ignorance was: 33 (54%) types of injuries; 33
(54%) treatment; 32 (52%) risk factors; 30 (49%) preventive methods.
Conclusion. The main risk behaviors HPV infection in this population were to have had two or more sexual partners, oral
sex and alcohol. High ignorance was observed, may be the main risk factor for acquiring the infection.
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