2013, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2013; 4 (3)
Curricular design of the Degree in Clinical Bioanálisis
Álvarez PG, Rech MA, Ramos CD
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 64.35 Kb.
The advances in the technologies used for the diagnosis in the Clinical Laboratories and their application in the three levels of attention of the National System of Health, the politics of the State of guaranteeing the integral attention to the individual, the family and the community to maintain and even more, to elevate the indicators of the Cuban population's health, it conditioned the necessity to have qualified professionals with a wide profile of formation. In answer to this necessity you design a plan of studies, continuing the you index them theoretical methodological, limits of the Ministry of Superior Education, the Ministry of Public Health and the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, for the formation of an university professional characteristic of the area of the health: the Graduate in Clinical Bioanálisis. This formation program is constituted by a flexible curriculum to form a professional characteristic of the health that applies the laboratory technologies for the evaluation of the process health illness, the practical transfusional and the bioderivados production, being distinguished its functions of those of the rest of professionals and technicians with kindred formation. To achieve the success in the setting in march of this project, they are indispensable the professorial superación and professional and the integral evaluation of the whole process, including the curricular evaluation.
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Pensum de Licenciatura en Bioanálisis. Página de la Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago. República Dominicana. Disponible en: http://www.utesa.edu/Webutesa/home.htm. Consultada el 1 de diciembre de 2011
10.Página principal de la Escuela de Bioanálisis. Valencia. Venezuela. Disponible en: http://www.bioanalisis.fcs.uc.edu.ve/index.htm . Consultado el: 1 de diciembre de 2011
11.Pagina principal de la escuela de Bioanálisis. Santo Domingo. Disponible en:http://estudios.universia.net/republica-dominicana/suborganismo/escuela-bioanalisis. consultado el 2 de diciembre 2011
12.Microbiología y Bioanálisis. Universidad de Antioquia. Disponible en: http://estudios.universia.net/colombia/estudio/udea-microbiologia-bioanalisis. consultado el 30 de octubre de 2011.
13.Pagina principal de la escuela Pontificia católica de Chile. Disponible en: http://www.uc.cl/ consultado el 2 de diciembre de 2011
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