2014, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2014; 19 (3)
Associated factors with preterm birth in a second level hospital
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 308-315
PDF size: 442.26 Kb.
In Latin America and Mexico, preterm births have about 1% of deaths
from prematurity to determine the risk factors related to childbirth.
Objective: To know the epidemiological profile of preterm delivery and
its associated factors in a second level hospital.
Methods: Observational, retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional
study of 4 058 births, of which 260 were preterm births 20.1 to 36.6
weeks of gestation occurred between 2006 and 2008 in a secondary
Results: The rate of preterm birth in a secondary hospital level was 6.4 %,
of which 34 % had ruptured membranes and 66% intact membranes,
regardless of membrane status a total of 150 cases (62 % ) had no disease
at all. Of mothers with parity gilts and one to two births and age
safely found the highest percentage of 19% and 46 % respectively in
this group of preterm births for a total of 68% , which is confirmed when
compared to those without history of preterm birth rate being 82%. The
54 % of the sample was represented by infants weighing greater than or
equal to 2500 grams, which reported 52% of cases with Apgar scores
greater than 7. We found that anemia cervicovaginitis and maternal
diseases were more frequently associated with preterm delivery for
105 cases and 100 cases 44 % to 42% respectively. The main infectious
disease of premature newborns in this study was represented by
bronchopneumonia in 7 % of cases, followed by generalized sepsis at
5%. Inductors using lung maturity is appreciated that the double dose
was more effective than other treatment regimens, as 48% of premature
babies developed no pathology.
Conclusion: After analyzing the findings indicate that the prevalence
of preterm delivery resulted from 6 % against 94% of labor at term,
which denotes that it is a disease with low frequency but nevertheless
a presence within the statistical second level analysis is important because
the cost of a preterm infant and the consequences are high and
treatment infrastructure is still lacking in our country.
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