2011, Number 3
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Rev Cub Gen 2011; 5 (3)
Prenatal etiology in intellectual disability in the venezuelan andean región
Perdomo AJC, Portuondo SM, Luna CEJ
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 89-97
PDF size: 468.63 Kb.
According to the international literature, the causes of
disability are usually determined with a precision of 10 % to 50%. As part of the psychosocial, pedagogic and clinicalgenetic study carried out in the Táchira, Mérida and Trujillo states of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in 2008 to disabled persons, the intellectually disabled population was being characterized according to the moment when the casual agent appeared. Applying the instruments designed for the study, allowed extracting the variables to be analyzed in order to prove the role of prenatal genetic causes. Descriptive statistics was used and results were stated in percent, preparing output tables of results. Intellectual disability due to prenatal causes occupied the first place, while within them chromosomal diseases were present in 47,84 % of the cases, closely followed by multifactorialo nes with 42,1 %. The consanguinity percent determinedi n the region was equal to 6,7 %. This study allowed the integral and multidisciplinary addressing of the causes oft his disability, from the point of view of a health issue,
taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the new
economic and social model in the country, which locates
the individual in the center of all its projections.
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