2014, Number 2
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2014; 61 (2)
Determination of reference intervals for testing basic coagulation in Mexican population
Díaz PP, Juárez BHA, Lule BFA
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 115-117
PDF size: 123.24 Kb.
It is known that the reference values provided by commercial suppliers of reagents and/or laboratory instruments are based on a population of clinically healthy individuals, who do not belong to the study population. Because of this it is necessary to implement reference intervals that meet the population studied, obtained in the clinical laboratory itself, in order to evaluate the results obtained in the context of the local population. The aim of this study was to determine reference ranges for basic coagulation tests for which a total of 45,120 data using Excel for Windows, version 2010 were analyzed. The result was that the difference between the calculated and routinely used interval, are minimal despite coming from different populations except fibrinogen.
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