2013, Number 3
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Arch Neurocien 2013; 18 (3)
Synapses and procedural memory
Arreguín-González IJ
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 148-153
PDF size: 76.46 Kb.
The memory is given by the information received. The memory has let the man survive in a physical and social way.
Not all the information received is stored in the memory, around 90% is eliminated, but all the stimulus that we
receive and transmit through the nerve cells are the ones that let us keep the knowledge. The procedimental
memory keeps information related to procedures and strategies related to the motor skills, those that are learned
once, and we don´t forget, such as writing, driving, playing piano, etc, those are skills that are done unconsciously
and automatically. Sometimes when the sensorial information gets through the synapses, these are sensibilized,
therefore, sometimes without the original stimulus, these can emerge in the brain, and bring back the memories and
the learning process, such as habituation, sensibilization and classic conditioning, these processes are related to
the neuronal plasticity, which is the capacity of reorganize the function or the structure of the sinaptic conections,
also expressed as long term potentiation (LTP) and the long term depression (LTD). There has been identifyed 4
plasticity areas that are useful to achieve habits and skills, such as the adquisition of conditioned responses.
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