2013, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2013; 29 (2)
Proposal of intervention at home for the family of the child with cerebral palsy and respiratory infections
Pérez GMC
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 89-101
PDF size: 148.21 Kb.
Every year, a significant group of children are affected in their functional capacity and social integration as a result of infantile cerebral palsy. This disease is a potential limitation for their life expectancy. With the objective of designing an intervention proposal to facilitate the management of parents of children with infant cerebral palsy and acute respiratory diseases, a retrospective and descriptive study of patients carrying this illness, born in 1986 to 2005 period in Camaguey province and living in the health area of "Rodolfo Ramirez Esquivel" polyclinics was made. On evaluating the clinical records of each case, it was found in 10% of the sample, that is, 11 of a universe of 18 children, who had been hospitalized one to five times from respiratory infections. The highest figures corresponded to children under 5 years of age, 7 (63.63%), which agreed with the prolonged bedding that favors the predisposing factor for respiratory diseases. Age, sex, frequency of admissions to hospital and acute respiratory infection-related factors were predominant. The study underlined the importance of educating the family through a proposal of intervention at home about management, posture treatment and respiratory physiotherapy to prevent acute respiratory diseases in the cerebral palsy patients, an illness that compromises their life expectancies.
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