2013, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2013; 36 (6)
Transferencia tecnológica en el área de adicciones: El programa de intervención breve para adolescentes, retos y perspectivas
Martínez MKI, Medina-Mora IME
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 505-512
PDF size: 243.88 Kb.
The knowledge provided by psychology should respond to different
problems, which can only be achieved when the findings from
scientific evidence become available to other scientific groups and
social nuclei, in order to achieve them appropriately and use them to
solve problems, improve their quality of life, or prevent a potentially
hazardous situation. However, various barriers to the effective use
of knowledge are often observed. In addition, there exists the false
impression that research in the health sciences is an activity that rarely
meets the needs of the social actors who might benefit from its use. In
this context, this paper presents a general overview of the concept of
technology transfer, the models that have been developed to perform
this and an example of how the transfer of an intervention program
in the field of addictions in Mexico has been started and what the
challenges are to advancing this process and its possible adoption in
addiction centers.
The authors conclude that in order to comply with the incorporation
of treatments at addiction treatment institutions, it is essential to
evaluate the effectiveness of the brief intervention program in clinical
settings, adhere to all the CONSORT indicators for randomized clinical
trials and incorporate four main aspects into the transfer process:
1. foster closer relations with health professionals; 2. allow the “reinvention”
of the program within a context of collaboration between
stakeholders and evaluate this process; 3. consider the constraints,
resources, objectives and practices of the institution to which the program
is to be transferred, and 4. provide long-term monitoring to assess
the success of the adoption of the innovation.
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