2011, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (2)
Relevance of the dimensions of self-concept in high school students from Victoria City, Tamaulipas, México
Salum-Fares A, Marín AR, Reyes AC
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 255-272
PDF size: 153.16 Kb.
This work was held in Junior High School students of Ciudad
Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and aimed to identify the most
important dimension of the theoretical model of five dimensions
(academic, social, emotional, family and physical) that make up
the general self-concept of students. Students were evaluated
with Questionnaire AF5, Autoconcepto Forma 5 (Garcia and
Musitu, 2001). Statistical analysis was developed in three
stages: Analysis for evaluating the reliability and validity of the
applied scale, descriptive analysis of the studied variables and
confirmatory factorial analysis to contrast the raised
hypotheses. The results allowed to sustain that family
dimension was the one that better explained the students
general self-concept with a 39.83% variance,19.77% in the
social dimension, as well as 15,09% in the social, a 13,67% in
the emotional, while academic dimension accounted for
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