2012, Number 6
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2012; 13 (6)
Occipital encephalocele and surgical repair: A case report
Muñoz-Cabas D, Hernández G, Noguera O, Núñez E, Neires L, Villasmil O
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 319-323
PDF size: 489.10 Kb.
Introduction: The EEG is possibly the most frequently
Encephalocele is a protrusion of the endocranial content
through a bone defect. Occipital encephalocele (OE) is
the most frequent location. We present the case of a 10
days old twin newborn, obtained by caesarean delivery,
who presents a mass with modified skin located in the
occipital region, which measures 15 x 8 cm
approximately, pediculated, non-painful, of mixed type
and cystic content. At neurological examination she
showed normal muscular strength with mobilization of
the four limbs, normal active and passive tones, suction
and Moro reflexes present, as well as normal sensitivity.
We performed a cerebral angio-MRI showing an image
compatible with a sacular mass in the occipital region,
with cerebral tissue content, as well as abnormal arteries
that protruded through the bone defect. No major venous
defects were observed.
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