2008, Number 1
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Rev Mex Neuroci 2008; 9 (1)
On nosography, polysemia and psychiatric clinic
Souza MM, Cruz ML
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 38-46
PDF size: 71.79 Kb.
The present article reviews the educational problems in psychiatric nosography arising from the lack of consensus on the matter, clinical expression and appreciations needed to strengthen the consistency of terminology and usefulness covering its practice. Such problems have happened since the birth of the specialty, and yet, they currently hold on, despite the very detailed reviews conducted at different times of the conceptual development in the history of disease classifications, which for a variety of scholastic, political, administrative and other reasons, have not achieved the integration of judgment and acceptance of the proposed variables. For key words like psychosis, leading axis of psychiatric exercise and other related areas, the semanticterminological discrepancy becomes in a greater status hitherto insurmountable, although there have been some agreements at the international and regional levels which, despite its integrative intention are not uniformly accepted by all specialists in mental health in different countries. It is imperative for all those treating patients from their medical, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic or psychoanalytic professional context, to consolidate an essential agreement which indicates the guideline to reconcile, in a definite way, the polysemy which favors confusion and iatrogeny from the bad interpretation of the multiple meanings of current terminology. We trust the eclecticism of the mentioned positions and the reasonable judgement of professionals in order to solve effectively the stated problem in favor of the specialty and its noble practice.
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