2013, Number 2
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2013; 18 (2)
Comparison of the Humanistic Profile of Three Schools of Nursery Second to the Health Pan American Organization Guidelines
Estrada EF, Pichardo GLMG, Virgen CM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 93-99
PDF size: 519.99 Kb.
Background: Given the increasing demand for health care in Mexico, it is also essential to develop human resources to cover it, especially to increase the number of qualified nurses. The Pan American Health Organization has very specific guidelines on humanistic and ethical profile of nursing formation. There are no data on how these guidelines are met in institutions providing nursing degree in Mexico City.
Objective: To corroborate in how extent three institutions having nursery studies in Mexico City accomplish the requirements proposed by Pan American Health Organization in their mission, vision and objectives.
Material and method: A qualitative design, descriptive, cross study was done with triangulation of methods: conducting surveys with semi-structured questions, literature review and comparative curriculum of institutions. Data were subjected to situational analysis. The indicators were obtained from PAHO guidelines for nursing.
Results: The public institution 1 (IPUB-1) promotes optimal development of society through individual success to generate nurses who work as change agents. The public institution 2 (IPUB-2) has a strong social commitment, in favor of interdisciplinary perspective in self-care, respect for the dignity of the person, humanization of care. The private institution 1 (IPRI-1) expresses its commitment and social responsibility focused on common good, comprehensive care lead to promoting respect for the dignity and humanity with ethics good formation.
Conclusions: The three institutions are consistent, with certain differences, with bioethical implicit indicators that Pan American Health Organization guidelines poses for degree in nursing with respect to ethical and humanistic profile.
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PAHO, Nursing in the Region of the Americas. Series 16 Organization and Management of Health Systems and Services. 1999:45-46. Disponible en URL: http://www. paho.org/Spanish/HSP/HSO/hsonur3_es.pdf. Acceso 7 de octubre de 2012.
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PAHO, Nursing in the Region of the Americas. Series 16 Organization and Management of Health Systems and Services, 1999;45-46. Disponible e URL: http://www.paho. org/Spanish/HSP/HSO/hsonur3_es.pdf. Acceso 24 de septiembre de 2012.