2013, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2013; 16 (2)
Psychosocial risks predictors in High School and Undergraduate students
Pulido RMA, Cortes VL, Melo OSM, Domínguez MY, Pedraza SF, Pérez GA
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 504-532
PDF size: 252.23 Kb.
Scientific literature has identified an important number of psychosocial risk predictors in undergraduate and high school students. However, assessing the relative importance of these factors is difficult, because most studies only test on predictor and one risk at a time. The purpose of the present study was to assess the relative importance of eleven different factors, which have been identified by the literature as psychosocial risk predictors. Their ability to predict risky sexual behavior, as well as tobacco, alcohol and drug consumption was assessed. A non-probabilistic sample of 321 high school and undergraduate students, from a private institution from Mexico City, was used to collect the data. Students answered a printed questionnaire. Results suggest that the relative importance of the different predictors, assessed by the study, differs; results also showed that different psychosocial risks are best predicted by different factors. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of planning primary prevention strategies by means of appropriate empirical data; they are also discussed in terms of the importance of including political, family and psycho pedagogical elements, when designing a prevention campaign.
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