2012, Number 3
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Med Sur 2012; 19 (3)
Calidad de atención del dolor postoperatorio en cirugía ginecológica
Calderón-Estrada M, Pichardo-Cuevas M, Suárez-Muñiz MP, Ramírez-Montiel ML, Contreras-Carreto NA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 144-148
PDF size: 80.01 Kb.
Introduction. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
resulting from actual or potential tissue damage. It is estimated
that the incidence of acute postoperative pain (APOP) is between
20 to 70%. Inadequate control of postoperative pain causes
changes in lung function, cardiovascular and endocrine function
and increases the morbidity. In terms of management, adequate
control impact in reducing the hospital stay and reducing health
Objective. Determine the incidence of acute APOP, treatment
options and their effectiveness in gynecologic surgery.
and methods. Prospective, transversal, descriptive and analytical
study in women of postoperative gynecological surgery at the
Women’s Hospital, Ministry of Health; Mexico City, during the period
of April 1st to May 31st, 2011. Results. The final sample
consisted of 75 patients. The average age was 41.03 ± 10.5 years.
The most common type of gynecological surgery was total abdominal
hysterectomy with 68.0% (n = 51). The 58.7% (n = 44) received
mixed general anesthesia, 41.3% (n = 31) was epidural anesthesia.
The operative time was 1.95 ± 0.51 h. APOP incidence was 94.7%. The
result in Numeric Verbal Pain Scale (NVPS) was 5.67 ± 3.4 points
in the immediate postoperative period and 4.2 ± 8.2 points in
mediate postoperative period. The reduction in pain with analgesic
therapy was 1.39 ± 4.33 points evaluated by NVPS. In 56.0%
(n = 42) was used only nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
in combination with antispasmodics. Only 13.3% (n = 10) of the
referred patients satisfied with the healthcare of APOP.
Evaluate and properly treat the APOP is essential in the
postoperative treatment. Poor treatment raises the quality of care
and overall satisfaction of patients.
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