2012, Number 4
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Arch Neurocien 2012; 17 (4)
Requirements of day centres for old people with dementia: a National consensus Mexican Federation of Alzheimer (FEDMA)
Zúñiga T, Trujillo Z, Sosa AL
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 221-229
PDF size: 132.41 Kb.
In September 2009, the first Mexican Consensus on the basic requirements for Day Care Centres for Old People
with Dementia (DCCOPD) was held as part of the activities of the National Alzheimer XIV Congress in Puebla,
Mexico. The leaders of the various centres established across the country assembled as part of the Mexican
Federation of Alzheimer (FEDMA). Members of the National Institute of Neurology (INNN) and the National Committee
on Aging (CONAEN) of the Ministry of Health also participated in this meeting. The objectives of this consensus
were to present, analyze and discuss the general requirements and basic ethical and legal aspects needed for the
optimal functioning of DCCOPD. The experience of day care centres was presented for the responsible operators.
Methodology: We used the consensus approach of RAND/ UCLA, which is based on scientific evidence and on the
collective judgment of a group of experts. With this approach we reviewed with a socio-medical focus experiences
and the national and international scientific evidence available, elaborating a common understanding on the
requirements and recommendations for the best performance and professionalism of DCCOPD.
Results: Agreement
was reached related to the basic requirements for registration, development and operation processing for DCCOPD
and for optimum performance, which are presented in detail in this document.
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