2011, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (3)
Academic streess, a consequence of the High School education reforms?
García SA, Escalera CME
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 156-175
PDF size: 263.80 Kb.
The purpose of this study was to determine if the level of stress in students from a private institution is significant and demonstrates if not difference with regard to gender, semester and enrolled in high school students also identify the stressors contribute to increased levels of stress. The information was obtained through the questionnaire SISCO. To analyze the data used measures of central tendency, an ANOVA analysis to compare the stress level in relation to the high school semester, and gender of students and finally, a regression analysis, to recognize stressors. The main results confirm that the stress level among students is significant, there is no difference in the stress level in relation to the baccalaureate level and enrolled students, but the stress level in men and women are different, and by other side work overload, people who do not work in teams, the limited time to deliver the work, and failing a field project are many factors that contribute to stress level
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