2011, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2011; 14 (3)
Sexual defficulties experienced by the men during the pregnancy
Sapién LJS, Salguero VMA, Córdoba BDI
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 129-155
PDF size: 350.16 Kb.
Pregnancy is a state very relevant to women, but it is also true for their partners. It has been found that this period has an impact on women's sexuality and, consequently, in the case of men. The objective of this paper was reporting sexual difficulties that men experience during the pregnancy of their couples. Participated 6 adults who were the parents of one or two children. The fathers were interviewed individually. It was found that the sexual difficulties of the parents most prominent were: ignorance about dates and conditions of the fertilization, beliefs about the negative impact of sex on the pregnant body and the fetus, moral prejudices against sex during this period, sexual inexperience, unmet sexual needs, decreased sexual desire and energy due to fatigue and concerns, and opposition between their sexual needs and desires and those of the spouse. It was concluded that these difficulties depended on the physical and psychological conditions of the pregnant partner, being mediated by male ideas about sex, pregnancy, childbirth, and life project. It was suggested that there is a need for the men receive counseling and training by health professionals during the prenatal period to practice behaviors more comforting, healthy and supportive during pregnancy.
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