2012, Number 3
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2012; 31 (3)
Regulación de la inmunidad por la leptina
Falcón GJJ, Gazga UC, González TC, Nájera MO
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 92-99
PDF size: 338.17 Kb.
Leptin has been classified as a cytokine, due to itself and its receptor structure. Some of their biological functions include lipid and glucose metabolism, glucocorticoid synthesis, insulin, and synaptic transmission. Also, it has the capacity to regulate some processes as: phagocytosis, production of proinflammatory cytokines by immune effector cells, proliferation of lymphocytes and dendritic cells, for this reason leptin is considered a pleiotropic hormone that has been proposed for therapeutic purposes. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that an increase in serum leptin concentration could be associated with some autoimmune diseases.
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