2012, Number 4
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Gac Med Mex 2012; 148 (4)
Health in Mexico: old and new challenges. An updated analysis
Narro RJ, Zepeda TC
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 390-399
PDF size: 92.82 Kb.
In recent decades, Mexico has come a long way in health care matters, which has influenced the standard of living of
the population and the development of the country. However, much remains to be done and changes should happen
faster. Some of the main challenges Mexico faces currently are presented in this document and include: the challenge
of reducing poverty in order to improve the health status of society; the development of health services that affect
the slowdown in the pace of evolution of demographic indicators, life expectancy at birth and infant mortality; the
challenge of reducing inequality; the challenge of great infrastructure available in the country for health care and the
limited performance obtained in terms of organization, management and financing; the challenge resulting from
human resources training systems, both undergraduate and postgraduate; the challenge that relates to academic
and scientific productivity; the challenge of diabetes as an example of a serious public health problem; and the
challenge of ethical implications in the organization and administration of health services, specifically, the allocation of
public resources to them.
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