2011, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2011; 11 (2)
Determination of Clenbuterol in Bovine Cattle in Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
López HCM, González OSA, López MD, Ortega PCB, Guadarrama VMA, Croda TMT, Escobar HJBH
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 28-31
PDF size: 196.38 Kb.
Introduction: Clenbuterol is an anabolizer from the family of the ß-agonists used in the country as medicine for either human or veterinarian use. It has the property of altering the animal’s body composition by reducing tissue fat accumulation thus causing muscle mass to increase with the subsequent weight gain. The consumption of tissue or organs coming from animals that have been administered high doses of clenbuterol may cause certain symptoms. The affections will depend on both dosage and each person’s susceptibility. The use of high dosages of Clenbuterol in cattle favours the appearance of deposits in the liver, muscles, retina, hair, etc. The deposits may cause intoxication in people who consume these tissues.
Aim: To determine the presence of clenbuterol in bovine cattle about to be sacrificed in the Xalapa municipal slaughterhouse.
Materials and methodology: An observational, descriptive, transversal and prospective research was developed. 84 samples were taken from bovines in the municipal slaughterhouse in Xalapa, Veracruz. The samples were analyzed with the RIDASCREEN
® clenbuterol fast from R-biopharm Labs.
Results and argumentation: The concentrations of clenbuterol in 84 bovines were determined with resulting values from 0 to 7376.7. From the total samples, the highest concentration was observed in the interval from 0 to 999 ppt with 73% corresponding to 62 animals four of which registered values above 5000 ppt.
Conclusions: 12 out of the 84 analyzed samples resulted in clenbuterol concentrations above 2000 ppt equivalent to 14.3% of not allowed concentration.
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