2011, Number 3
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Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 2011; 68 (3)
Delayed diagnosis of foreign body aspiration
Hinojos GLC, Silva BM, Escobedo SMD, GarcíaAA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 220-224
PDF size: 322.33 Kb.
Background. Aspiration of foreign bodies in the central airway is a common problem in the pediatric population, representing a major cause
of morbidity and mortality in our country. In the U.S., foreign body aspiration is the cause for 7% of accidental deaths in children between
1 and 3 years of age. Clinical diagnosis requires a high degree of suspicion in the medical history especially when the choking event is
unclear in the clinical history because physical examination and radiological findings have a low sensitivity.
Case report. We present the case of a 14-year-old male with a history of foreign body aspiration. The patient’s symptoms were given little
importance. A 1-year delay in diagnosis occurred due to symptoms mimicking other pathologies. The patient was referred to the Pediatric
Pulmonology Unit “Fernando Katz” of the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases where bronchoscopic exploration was performed with
removal of foreign body (plastic object) from the intermediary bronchus.
Conclusions. Delayed diagnosis causes respiratory problems ranging from life-threatining airway obstruction to chronic respiratory
symptoms such as wheezing and recurrent respiratory infections. It has been shown that these symptoms can be confused with other
pathologies such as asthma.
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