2010, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2010; 10 (2)
Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in Central America: a review of models and theories
Cruz JAÁ, Coronel MCGR, Pavón-León P, Gogeascoechea-Trejo MC, De San Jorge CXMC, Blázquez-Morales MSL, Beverido SP, Ramírez CA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 24-31
PDF size: 350.98 Kb.
The analysis of the relationship of HIV/AIDS in drug users and contexts of vulnerability, requires consideration of many factors that have given a specific course of the epidemic in each country and among them we can list the economic, social, historical, cultural and political. Carrying out a review on this issue in context the problem, which involves analyzing the models, theories, research and general background. This review of models and theories in this field, is part of a wider investigation to be conducted simultaneously in a number of countries to discuss “HIV prevalence and identification of risk factors in drug users in Central America: evidence for focus on intervention strategies”. This is an initiative designed and managed by a group of researchers from the Universidad Veracruzana participating in the Academic “Drugs and Addictions: a multidisciplinary approach”, in collaboration with an HIV specialist who works in the Ministry of Health of Veracruz. The project is being funded by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for Mexico and Central America under the AD/CAM/04/H90 project for “Establishment of a network of Treatment, Rehabilitation, Reintegration Social and Labour in Central America”, as a result of a collaboration agreement signed in 2007 with the University of Veracruz, it is a work that marks the joint efforts of the Central American Network for Addictions Research (RECIA), one of the fruits H90 project’s most important.
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