2008, Number 2
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Arch Med Fam 2008; 10 (2)
Distance Learning: A Viable Strategy for Family Medicine
Hernández VCI, Hernández TI, Navarro GAM, Valencia IYE
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 60-64
PDF size: 60.03 Kb.
Distance Learning includes diverse study forms and educational strategies in which traditional physical proximity of professors and students does not exist. This novel educational form includes teaching methods in which that due to the existing separation of students and professors, the interactive and preactive phases of the teaching are driven by means of the printed word and/or mechanical or electronic elements. This educative type originated in the mid- XIX century, and at present comprises one of the recovered study alternatives because it is flexible, reliable, and entertains no restrictions of site, , age, or geographical situation. It is an option that has been taken up again by health and educational institutions to supplement the educational process of Family Physicians.
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