2009, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2009; 17 (1)
Sentinel events and notification by nursing staff
Juárez-Pérez H, Durán-Muñoz C
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 39-44
PDF size: 80.37 Kb.
Introduction: international reports show that only 5 % of adversity effects are notified; which is due to inherent factors related to health staff, such as being afraid to be punished, being exposed to the professional praxis, unknowing the notification program and the lack of reinformation after the first notification, among others.
Objective: to identify among nursing staff their knowledge of the program: VENCER, or "system of surveillance for sentinel events and risks" and determine factors related in the notification of events.
Methodology: transversal study done in 226 nurses selected through probabilistic sampling, by conglomerates. An instrument was elaborated with 62 items, and validated with Cronbach’s alfa, obtaining a level of confidence of 0.73. For the analysis, the software SPSS V14 was utilized, applying descriptive statistics.
Results: average age of nursing staff was 38 years old, 96 % of them female, 51 % professional nurses, 21 % specialized nurses, and 22 % with level of baccalaureate degree.
Conclusions: it is imperative the difussions of the program VENCER to all the operative personnel according to guarantee the security to the patient in all hospital units.
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