2009, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2009; 22 (3)
Clinic oncology, genomics and epigenomics on bronchogenic cancer. Part I
Cerecedo-Zapata CM, Limón RD, Gonzaga PR, Serrano-Ramírez R, Álvarez MA, Téllez BJL, Ávila-Moreno F
Language: Spanish
References: 57
Page: 217-229
PDF size: 106.22 Kb.
Bronchogenic carcinoma remains a serious public health problem in Mexico and worldwide, representing the first cause of death due to malignant neoplasms in both genders. This situation is motivated by the lack of an early diagnosis due to the low specificity of clinical data and the low sensitivity of diagnostic methods in early stages. Lung carcinomas are divided in two groups: small cell lung carcinomas and non-small cell lung carcinomas, the last being the most frequent type comprising 80% cases. Associated risk factors include: tobacco habit, exposure to asbestos, radiation, polycyclic hydrocarbons, PM
2.5, PM
10, etc., as well as protective factors such as a high ingestion of boron, hormone replacement therapy and abundant intake of fruits and vegetables, though these last are still in controversy. With relation to the beginning of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, the patient must be staged according to TNM classification, where two groups are distinguished, those beneficed by surgery and those with unresectable tumors. Although several internationally described therapeutic schemes exist, until now they offer no significant advantages over those recommended by the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Nevertheless, there are encouraging results from basic and clinical research that through massive genome analysis have identified genetic and epigenetic markers associated with the prediction of response to therapy, survival, relapses, etc., and that await to be accepted as guiders for the treatment of bronchogenic carcinoma.
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