2009, Number 4
Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens in patients with uveitis cataract
Ramírez SEV, Messina BOM, Palacios AA, Tenorio GG
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 195-199
PDF size: 100.22 Kb.
Antecedents: The type of uveitis that frequently produce cataracts are the acute anterior and chronic uveítis, such as the associated with juvenil idiopathic arthritis (JIA), Fuch’s heterochromic uveitis, ankylosant spondylitis, traumatisms and anterior segment surgery. The pars planitis is common in the intermediate uveitis, because they directly affect the crystalline metabolism. Objective: To determine the visual improvement in the patients diagnosed with uveitis and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens in the Hospital General de México (HGM). Materials and methods: Retrospective, observational and longitudinal study, with the records of the patients with uveitis and phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation, during the period between January 2005 and August 2009, those patients were under control of the inflammation process during 3 months prior the surgery procedure and with a minimum 2 months following. The variables were sex and age, and uveitis type, according to the criteria of the International Uveitis Group and the Uveitis Clinic of the HGM, corrected visual acuity before and after the surgery, uveitis sequels and postsurgical complications. Results: Of the studied patients, were included 7 eyes diagnosed with Fuchs iridocyclitis, 7 eyes with pars planitis, 4 with unspecific acute anterior uveitis, 5 with Vogt Koyanagi Harada (VKH), and 2 with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The mean of VA before surgery was 0.036 (SD ± 0.056) and the postsurgery was 0.365 (SD ± 0.141) with a confidence interval of 95%, before 0.0239 (-0.012+0.060) and after surgery of 0.156 (-0.209+0.521). Conclusions: the phacoemulsification with intraocular lens in secondary cataract in uveitis has good results, our experience is that besides keeping the patient in control with antiinflammatory activity during minimum 2 months, we indicated prednisone a week prior the surgery, besides the experience of 2 phacoemulsification experts and the previous knowledge of the patient by the inflammatory diseases clinic.REFERENCES