2003, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2003; 17 (4)
La mortalidad materna y el subregistro en la región indígena de los Altos de Chiapas. Propuesta de un indicador alterno para su identificación
Freyermuth EG
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 205-218
PDF size: 142.82 Kb.
Objective: We propose a complementary indicator, elaborated starting from the mortality of
men and women in reproductive age that allows to identify, at low cost, to the municipalities
of high risk of maternal mortality.
Material and methods: One in the ways that acquires the gender inequality is the feminine
overmortality. It was obtained the rate of men’s mortality and women in reproductive age (15
to 49 years) for each municipality, and for a five year-old period with the purpose of stabilizing
the annual changes in the small municipalities. Starting from the rates, it was considered
the relationship of sexes or indexes of masculinity or femininity, with the purpose of identifying
differential risks of dying between men and women. It was calculated for the same period
the rates of men’s mortality and women in reproductive age, so much at national level as
state, starting from that which the mortality was calculated for all the municipalities of the
state of Chiapas of the Altos Region, for the period 1995-1999.
Results: It was found that the mortality in Mexico and Chiapas at state level is smaller among
the women than among the men, for this age group the risk of dying for the men ends up
being 2.5 times adult (M/W). The relationship of the rates of mortality for this age group, with
regard to the women (M/W), it is from 0.4 to national level and 0.46 at state level. In the
municipalities of this region, the lowest reason between the rates of women’s mortality and
men was of 0.34, smaller in comparison to the national and state, what means that in this
case a masculine sobremortalidad exists. The municipality that exhibits the most unfavorable
situation for the women is Chalchihuitán where for each four women 3 men die, relationship
bigger than 1:1. it is important to point out in the indigenous municipalities the rates
of mortality end up being until more 9 times that those of the country, and that the feminine
mortality is almost similar to the masculine.
Conclusions: At the moment the methodology to identify the subregistry in maternal mortality
is carried out through field work by means of verbal autopsies. This resource is extremely
expensive and it is generally used in cities or rural mestizos regions. To use the index of
sexes in reproductive age is a quick method and of low cost that allows to identify conditions
of inequality between men and women at municipal level.
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