2007, Number 3
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Med Int Mex 2007; 23 (3)
Hepatic transplant in patients that suffer alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis
José Gutiérrez SJ, Cruz TL
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 224-228
PDF size: 108.13 Kb.
Hepatic transplant is a therapeutic option almost never contemplated in patients that suffer alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis. An important reason of surgeons rejection is that they consider to this type of patient as improbable for later rehabilitation after liver transplant and they are considered as low priority for this type of therapeutic option although alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis occupies one of the first places of hepatic pathologies. Results obtained by several groups of investigators in the world have demonstrated that hepatic transplant in a patient with alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis has better possibilities of survival than patient with another type of hepatic illness who receive a liver transplant. Success of transplant depends mainly on psychological and family support that patient receives to avoid ingestion of ethanol as much as possible. This way, a patient that suffers alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis can be a good candidate for hepatic transplant if receives an integral attention that contemplates the medical, psychological and social sphere.
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